python >= 3.5
GDAL 2.* (with BigTIFF support)
ipyleaflet, matplotlib, pillow (for the ipyleaflet plugin)
Anaconda (all platforms)
Start the Anaconda Prompt via the start menu
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda update conda
conda install python=3.6 gdal=2.4.1 scipy=1.3.1 dask-geomodeling ipyleaflet matplotlib pillow
The version pins of python, gdal and scipy are related to issues specific to Windows. On other platforms you may leave them out. If you need other python or GDAL versions on windows: while dask-geomodeling itself is compatible with all current versions, you may may have a hard time getting it to work via Anaconda and it will probably be easier using the pip route listed below.
Windows (pip)
The following recipe is still a work in progress:
Add the GDAL installation path to your PATH variable
Start the command prompt
pip install gdal==2.* dask-geomodeling ipyleaflet matplotlib pillow
pip install ipyleaflet matplotlib pillow
You might need to setup your C++ compiler according to this
On the ipyleaflet plugin
dask-geomodeling comes with a ipyleaflet plugin for Jupyter so that you can show your generated views on a mapviewer. If you want to use it, install some additional dependencies:
$ conda [or pip] install jupyter ipyleaflet matplotlib pillow
And start your notebook server with the plugin:
$ jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.nbserver_extensions="{'dask_geomodeling.ipyleaflet_plugin':True}"
Alternatively, you can add this extension to your Jupyter configuration
Advanced: local setup with system Python (Ubuntu)
These instructions make use of the system-wide Python 3 interpreter:
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-gdal
Install dask-geomodeling:
$ pip install --user dask-geomodeling[test,cityhash]
Run the tests:
$ pytest
Advanced: local setup for development (Ubuntu)
These instructions assume that git
, python3
, pip
, and
are installed on your host machine.
Clone the dask-geomodeling repository:
$ git clone
Make sure you have the GDAL libraries installed. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install libgdal-dev
Take note of the GDAL version:
$ apt show libgdal-dev
Create and activate a virtualenv:
$ cd dask-geomodeling
$ virtualenv --python=python3 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
Install PyGDAL with the correct version (example assumes GDAL 2.2.3):
(.venv) $ pip install pygdal==2.2.3.*
Install dask-geomodeling:
(.venv) $ pip install -e .[test,cityhash]
Run the tests:
(.venv) $ pytest
Advanced: Running tests in VSCode for WSL2 (Ubuntu)
It is possible to run the tests (that reside in WSL2) but perform debugging in VSCode (Windows)
1 Install the Python extension in VSCode.
2 Open the Test Explorer View
(beaker icon)
3 Press the Configure Tests
button. Select pytest
as test framework, and base the configuration on the existing setup.cfg
4 The tests should now be discovered, and by pressing the Debug Tests
button, it is now possible to place breakpoints and step through the tests.
See the VSCode manual for python testing for explanation regarding running the tests.
A known issue can be found on StackOverflow.